welcome to greystone!
Greystone has been a very personal project from day one. We are a mother/daughter duo, and the South End is home. Greystone is our baby- it’s a direct reflection of us, and emphasizes the things we value most: fresh, from-scratch food, exceptional coffee, welcoming atmosphere, and personal service. We wanted to create the place that we ourselves would seek out in the neighborhood. A place that could be our daily stop.
Our walk-up window and indoor cafe are open every day from 7AM - 4PM for delicious coffee, made-in-house pastries, and goodies. We serve sandwiches and grain bowls everyday from 11AM - 4PM.
Weekdays + Weekends
7 AM - 4 PM

![Not really into “national [insert something random] day”, but ALWAYS into chocolate chip cookies. We’ve tried *just a few* over the past year....](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5b927799c3c16a455d3e55b3/1601424176206-XNYSXKGRONVZBL8TTIPS/image-asset.jpeg)